
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An Introvert's Experience of a Business Conference

Last week, I gave two talks in Nashville, Tennessee at Nerve 2015, a well attended and extremely well organized conference put on by the Entrepreneur's Organization. In my talks, I shared stories from the cycling adventures I've taken with my children and from guiding my friend Dan Berlin as he became the first blind runner to cross the Grand Canyon and back nonstop. Our next challenge is Machu Picchu! See

I told the audience things like, "discomfort is the birthplace of resilience" and "the person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." As I stood in front of a room full of people, sharing my story and offering my philosophy on living, I felt a surge of energy. It's natural to feel pressure when a group is looking at you expectantly, wondering if what you are going to say has value to them. But I didn't mind the pressure. In fact, I felt energized. I realized how extroverted I am, that I derive energy from interacting with others.

That's why I was fascinated when I met Kimberly Novosel, co-founder of Press Management Group. She's using her degree in music business and her background in tour promotions to help new artists create a stronger brand. She's a self-described "fitness fanatic."

She's also an introvert.

Kimberly explained how energy-draining it is to meet strangers and interact with people all day. After a while, she needs to find a place to be alone and recover from all the energy expended talking with others. We spoke for a while over lunch at the conference, and I worried how draining my extroverted exuberance must have been for her. But she couldn't have been kinder. And she just published a great article about her experience. Check it out here.

Pic of me with Kimberly:

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