
Monday, September 14, 2015


I've just finished writing a book about re-tracing 1,700 miles of the Lewis and Clark Trail with my children when they were 12 and 6. I will read an excerpt at the Affinia Hotel in New York City on Saturday, October 3 at 5 p.m. Kids are welcome. Come on out!
Here's a summary of the book:  
Sometimes the best way to understand history is to ride a bicycle through it.  Daunted Courage tells the story of an adventurous father and his two young children who spend a summer re-tracing the Lewis and Clark Trail, first by car then by bike. Offering entertaining insights into the most famous expedition in U. S. history, the story takes the reader on a thoroughly enjoyable ride.
Is 1,700 miles too far to cycle for a twelve-year-old boy and six-year-old girl? Can they really pedal over the Rocky Mountains, all the way to the Pacific Ocean? Charles Scott and his kids were daunted, but decided to try anyway, telling people, “Kids can do a whole lot more than most adults think.”
And like any good adventure, things did not always go as planned. 
Daunted Courage mixes danger, history, raising children with grit, and the travails of exploring the unknown into a grand tale that will leave you wanting to go out and create your own adventure.

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