
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Days 23 - 24: NYC to Niagara Falls

July 16 - 17, 2014

We've begun our return trip from Niagara Falls back to NYC.  Here's a pic as we pedaled through border patrol from the Canadian side of the falls.  We had to wait in line just like a car:

We cycled about 60 miles to a camping spot along the Erie Canal in the town of Holley.  

After setting up the tent, Sho and Saya immediately went to work building a fire,

roasting marshmallows and, of course...

... eating some well earned s'mores!

The first words out of Sho's mouth when he woke up the next morning was, "Is it okay if I fish?" 

Saya slept in but soon joined Sho by the canal...

... where she caught her first fish!

After celebrating Saya's fishing prowess, we spent the rest of the day cycling about 45 miles to the town of Fairport, NY.  As we sat down to eat dinner, we started chatting with a father and his two kids seated nearby: Clair Smith (an economics professor), Kendall (age 7) and Ronan (age 3).  We hit it off and spent the next 2 hours together.  Clair gave us a driving tour of Fairport, and the kids quickly became friends.  We got lucky today meeting such friendly people.

Clair even took us to an auto show to check out some fancy cars.  This is a 1931 Chrysler De Soto with wood spoke wheels:

Here's the De Soto's fancy hood ornament:

Hmm, don't be surprised if you see one of those on my bike.

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