
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Days 25 - 26: NYC to Niagara Falls

July 18 - 19, 2014

We're making good progress cycling back from Niagara Falls to NYC, and are now in Syracuse.  Our route took us through beautiful farm country, including on a dirt road curiously called "Turnpike Road."  We passed several Amish families in horse and buggy:

The weather has been pleasant, and we enjoyed this sunset while in Weedsport, NY:

Sho made time to teach some soccer tricks to a little boy he met at a local swimming pool.  Sho let the child score lots of goals on him, and when it was time to go, the boy didn't want to say goodbye. 

Here's a pic of Sho, as we stopped to document roadkill:

Today's ride into Syracuse was hilly, and I was exhausted by the effort.  Near the end, I discovered that Saya had been collecting rocks and storing them in the rear panniers:

I asked Saya to throw them out, but she teared up and pleaded not to get rid of her "special baby rocks."  I suggested that she start collecting special baby feathers instead, but she looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes, and I gave in.  I guess I'll be pulling a few more pounds the rest of the trip...

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